Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
We are closed on all Federal Holidays.
Anthony Ustjanauskas Founder of The Hundred Club of Connecticut
Anthony Ustjanauskas came to America in 1950 and settled in Hartford, Connecticut. "Mr.A", as he was known, and his wife Ada owned and operated International Supermarkets on Park Street and Franklin Avenue.
"Mr. A" and Ada, widely known humanitarians, after reading an inspiring account of the Hundred Club movement in a national magazine, began this organization in July of 1967. In August, less than a month later, while Mr. Ustjanauskas was in the process of organizing the "Club with a Heart", Hartford Police Officer Harvey Young was gunned down on a rain-swept street by a criminal suspect he was trying to arrest.
Mr. Ustjanauskas presented Officer Young’s widow with The Hundred Club’s first line-of-duty death payment. "Mr. A" paid the $1,000 out of his own pocket because the club had yet to enroll its first dues paying member.
Although Anthony Ustjanauskas was fatally stricken with a heart attack on August 25, 1972 at the age of 57, his efforts established a solid foundation for a truly altruistic organization. It is a tribute that these many years later, The Club has grown to be the most unique and prestigious organization of its kind in the nation and has been steadfast in maintaining his vision.
The Board of Directors, in recognition of this remarkable man’s contribution, voted to name the Hundred Club Scholarship Program in his memory and named Ada Ustjanauskas as a life member of the organization.
Since the founding of The Club in 1967, 252 of our brave public servants have made the supreme sacrifice in the Line of Duty.
When a line of duty death occurs, the spouse/family is given an initial grant of $10,000. The Executive Director maintains frequent follow-up with the family regarding financial needs. The Club provides computers to children as well as educational scholarships to colleges and vocational schools. Over 145 children and surviving spouses have taken advantage of this Scholarship Program which has become the pride of The Hundred Club. Also, the Special Assistance Program provides for medical, dental and other services the family might need.
The Hundred Club is unique in the overall assistance it provides to the surviving spouse and children of those who have died in the line of duty. In the 57 years of its existence, more than $13,500,000 has been given to family members covering a multitude of financial necessities.
Our membership has steadily grown to its present level and our programs and services are evolving as new family needs are identified. Club members are proud of their association with this outstanding charity.
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