Where does the Club get its funds?
Funds are received from the dues of its generous members who pay $250 annually for the privilege of being a part of The Hundred Club's humanitarian cause.
Who administers Club programs?
Benefits are established by Club Officers and its Board of Directors who meet quarterly to transact business. Committees meet as needed and policies are carried out by the Club's staff.
How many are on the staff?
The Club employs a Managing Director - Dale P. Hourigan and an Assistant to the Managing Director - Alba Hanson. The Hundred Club headquarters is located at 119 Oakwood Drive, Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033. Elected Officers and Directors perform their functions without compensation.
Who specifically is eligible for Club benefits?
After a review by the Board of Directors, Club benefits are provided to the surviving spouse and children of Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters or Correction Officers who die in the line of duty. Currently, there are more than 40,000 men and women that serve in these uniformed services in Connecticut.
Is The Hundred Club of Connecticut a unique organization?
It is a unique and most prestigious organization of its kind in the nation. Connecticut's Club reaches to every corner of the state, assisting families of all Firefighters (paid and volunteer), Police Officers and Correction Officers.
Our organization's benefits are so diversified and all encompassing, that our charity has become a model for others to emulate. This is evidenced by the fact that leaders from all parts of the country have approached The Hundred Club of Connecticut for guidance in forming similar organizations.
How did The Hundred Club movement originate?
It was conceived by a Detroit businessman, William Packer, in 1952. Mr. Packer was inspired to organize the first Club, raising funds following 2 line-of-duty deaths in 1950 and 1951: Patrolman Andreas Merlet, EOW November 17, 1950 and Patrolman Stanley J. Jerlecki, EOW December14, 1951.
Mr. Packer wrote to 100 Detroit area businessmen asking for annual donations to create an emergency fund dedicated to aid the surviving families of Police Officers and Firefighters following a line-of-duty death. The response was overwhelming and surpassed the original 100, however the name "The Hundred Club" survived.
Do Hundred Club members receive any benefits?
They do not receive nor expect benefits. They ask nothing in return except the satisfaction from serving the surviving spouse and children of our Fallen Heroes.
What does a Membership include?
In addition to providing assistance to our Hero Families, membership includes:
One Membership Card, up to three vehicle shields, up to three window decals
Please Note: One free shield is included with your $250.00 Membership Fee when joining the club.
We request you remove the shield prior to selling or transferring ownership of the vehicle.
Adhesive backing replacements are $5.00 each.
Replacement shields are available at $35.00 each plus shipping.
Prices are subject to change.
How are members kept informed?
The Club has a publication, The Hundred Call, published quarterly, which keeps members abreast of all Club activities. You can also visit our facebook page
The Hundred Club of Connecticut.
How do members receive Life Membership status at The Hundred Club?
The following are requirements for Life Membership status:
-Member must have held a valid, uninterrupted membership for at least fifteen years.
-Member must be at least 75 years of age.
-Member has paid The Hundred Club the sum of $500.